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Hurry Up and Wait for Justice: The Struggles of Innocent Prisoners
By Lorenzo Johnson When people hear about wrongfully convicted prisoners, they often ask why these individuals end up spending so much time in prison before they are exonerated. For the wrongfully convicted, the judicial system has failed twice – once in winning the wrongful conviction, but also in intentionally delaying

A high-ranking Obama official just called for the “eradication” of bite mark evidence
By Radley Balko This week, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is sponsoring a conference in Arlington, Va., called the “International Symposium on Forensic Science Error Management – Detection, Measurement and Mitigation.” NIST is the government agency that’s attempting to carve out some standards and best practices for the
This Friday – Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts – Carlos Arzate and the Kind Souls
We hope you can join us this Friday at the Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts to see Carlos Arzate and the Kind Souls play. As you may know, Carlos Arzate wrote a powerful song about Louis Taylor after Louis’s release and Lesley Hoyt-Croft created an incredibly moving music video

Wrongfully Imprisoned 29 Years, Stanley Wrice Wins Second Chance
After maintaining his innocence for 29 years, an Illinois man has earned the right to a hearing on his actual innocence claim. Stanley Wrice was convicted in 1982 after falsely confessing to Chicago Police for a brutal sexual assault. Wrice’s case is set to be heard before the Illinois Supreme Court. Read more about the

Scientific Advances Cloud Past Arson Cases
A recent Pittsburgh Tribune-Review article published states that advances in arson investigation could now make past evidence outdated, and because of this, several convictions in Pennsylvania are now being challenged. Currently, questionable arson convictions are also under review in other states including Texas, Massachusetts, and here in Arizona. From the article:

Hurry Up and Wait for Justice: The Struggles of Innocent Prisoners
By Lorenzo Johnson When people hear about wrongfully convicted prisoners, they often ask why these individuals end up spending so much time in prison before they are exonerated. For the wrongfully convicted, the judicial system has failed twice – once in winning the wrongful conviction, but also in intentionally delaying

A high-ranking Obama official just called for the “eradication” of bite mark evidence
By Radley Balko This week, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is sponsoring a conference in Arlington, Va., called the “International Symposium on Forensic Science Error Management – Detection, Measurement and Mitigation.” NIST is the government agency that’s attempting to carve out some standards and best practices for the
This Friday – Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts – Carlos Arzate and the Kind Souls
We hope you can join us this Friday at the Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts to see Carlos Arzate and the Kind Souls play. As you may know, Carlos Arzate wrote a powerful song about Louis Taylor after Louis’s release and Lesley Hoyt-Croft created an incredibly moving music video

Wrongfully Imprisoned 29 Years, Stanley Wrice Wins Second Chance
After maintaining his innocence for 29 years, an Illinois man has earned the right to a hearing on his actual innocence claim. Stanley Wrice was convicted in 1982 after falsely confessing to Chicago Police for a brutal sexual assault. Wrice’s case is set to be heard before the Illinois Supreme Court. Read more about the

Scientific Advances Cloud Past Arson Cases
A recent Pittsburgh Tribune-Review article published states that advances in arson investigation could now make past evidence outdated, and because of this, several convictions in Pennsylvania are now being challenged. Currently, questionable arson convictions are also under review in other states including Texas, Massachusetts, and here in Arizona. From the article: