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You are invited to Arizona Justice Project’s Celebration of Wrongful Conviction Day 2015!
October 1, 2015, 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Reception To Follow (Light snacks and refreshments) @ ASU Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law Great Hall, 1100 S. McAllister Ave. Tempe, AZ 85281 (The Great Hall is located in Armstrong Hall, which is located at the southwest corner of Terrace and McAllister)

Larry Hammond received the American Inns of Court Professionalism Award for the Ninth Circuit this past July in San Diego, pictured below!
Larry Hammond, a Partner at Osborn Maledon in Phoenix, received the 2015 American Inns of Court Professionalism Award for the Ninth Circuit. The award in part recognizes his work to establish the Arizona Justice Project, which he has chaired since its inception. The project has helped secure the release from

ASU Post-conviction Clinic – helping inmates who are innocent but have been convicted of a crime
ASU Post-conviction Clinic Host: Ted Simons Arizona State University’s Post-conviction Clinic seeks to help inmates who are innocent but have been convicted of a crime. The clinic recently received a new grant from the National Institute of Justice. Click here to see video. Guests: Katherine Puzauskas – executive director of the
Former juror in Glossip case tells Fox 25 their verdict would change now.
A former juror who joined 11 others in convicting and condemning Richard Glossip to death says recent revelations demand a stay of execution, or more. This news comes following a Fox 25 Investigation that reached out to the jurors who took part in the case. Fox 25 is withholding the

Sharing: Innocence Project Client – Alan Newton Exonerated!
“When you’re incarcerated, it gets harder to defend yourself because you’re really dependent on other people to do all the leg work for you, find the witnesses and make the case.” On July 6, 2006, Alan Newton was exonerated of rape, robbery, and assault charges. He had asked for DNA
EVENT PICTURE: Nicki, Carlos Arzate, Louis Taylor, Lindsay Herf (left to right)
A photo of our good friend and supporter Nicki, Carlos Arzate from the band “Carlos Arzate and the Kind Souls,” our former client Louis Taylor, and former JP DNA Project Manager and current Co-Director of the Wrongful Conviction Clinic at UofA, Lindsay Herf. Taken at a concert where Carlos Arzate

You are invited to Arizona Justice Project’s Celebration of Wrongful Conviction Day 2015!
October 1, 2015, 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Reception To Follow (Light snacks and refreshments) @ ASU Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law Great Hall, 1100 S. McAllister Ave. Tempe, AZ 85281 (The Great Hall is located in Armstrong Hall, which is located at the southwest corner of Terrace and McAllister)

Larry Hammond received the American Inns of Court Professionalism Award for the Ninth Circuit this past July in San Diego, pictured below!
Larry Hammond, a Partner at Osborn Maledon in Phoenix, received the 2015 American Inns of Court Professionalism Award for the Ninth Circuit. The award in part recognizes his work to establish the Arizona Justice Project, which he has chaired since its inception. The project has helped secure the release from

ASU Post-conviction Clinic – helping inmates who are innocent but have been convicted of a crime
ASU Post-conviction Clinic Host: Ted Simons Arizona State University’s Post-conviction Clinic seeks to help inmates who are innocent but have been convicted of a crime. The clinic recently received a new grant from the National Institute of Justice. Click here to see video. Guests: Katherine Puzauskas – executive director of the
Former juror in Glossip case tells Fox 25 their verdict would change now.
A former juror who joined 11 others in convicting and condemning Richard Glossip to death says recent revelations demand a stay of execution, or more. This news comes following a Fox 25 Investigation that reached out to the jurors who took part in the case. Fox 25 is withholding the

Sharing: Innocence Project Client – Alan Newton Exonerated!
“When you’re incarcerated, it gets harder to defend yourself because you’re really dependent on other people to do all the leg work for you, find the witnesses and make the case.” On July 6, 2006, Alan Newton was exonerated of rape, robbery, and assault charges. He had asked for DNA
EVENT PICTURE: Nicki, Carlos Arzate, Louis Taylor, Lindsay Herf (left to right)
A photo of our good friend and supporter Nicki, Carlos Arzate from the band “Carlos Arzate and the Kind Souls,” our former client Louis Taylor, and former JP DNA Project Manager and current Co-Director of the Wrongful Conviction Clinic at UofA, Lindsay Herf. Taken at a concert where Carlos Arzate